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Main themes
Case studies
Environment Report in Catalonia 2019
2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction
7300 EPDs verified
APE Grupo registers DAPcons® NTe.001 for Medium Porcelain Stoneware
BBVA Award for Innovation in Environmental Sustainability for SMEs
New guide of building and health
Tecresa registers the DAPcons® 100.011 and 100.016
Catalonia achieves the first million energy certifications of buildings
Product environtmental footprint of UE
DAP growth data
The new board of GBCe
Cifre Cerámica SL registers a DAPcons®
Asfaltos Chova SA registers three new DAPcons®
Baldocer registers DAPcons® 002.024 for Medium Porcelain Stoneware
Presentation of new manuals on BBConstrumat
The circular economy to BBConstrumat
The GBCe association celebrates 10 years
Urban Agenda of Catalonia: planning together the future of cities
Exlabesa registers DAPcons® 100.012 for Curtain Wall Systems
BBConstrumat Conference on circular economy
Expobiomasa opens the public announcement to the innovation prize
Workshop "Radon in buildings"
Catalonia ecodesign awards 2019
Élite Cementos registers a new DAPcons®
New document on circular economy in the building sector presented at CONAMA
DAPconstrucción® visits Veteco and Construtec
The rediscovery of straw in construction
The 14th edition of CONAMA, the National Environment Congress, is approaching
Presentation of the book "Catalunya futur verd"
Compare DAPcons products for NZEB buildings
Rehabilita, a week devoted to rehabilitation
New environmental product information comparator
HaCked by NullC0d3r #CyberTeam
Exlabesa registers one DAPcons® of windows and other of doors
The DAPcons® Environmental Declarations are internationalized
Systempool registers DAPcons® for coatings and adhesive products
Elite Cementos registers DAPcons® 100.001 and 100.002 for cement products
Cicogres registers DAPcons® 002.020 for porcelain stoneware
Exagres registers the DAPcons® 002.019 for porcelain stoneware products
Argenta registers DAPcons® 002.018 for porcelain stoneware products
Rosagres registers DAPcons® 002.017 for Dry Pressed Ceramic Tile
Colorker registers DAPcons® 002.012, 002.013 and 002.014 for Medium Porcelain Stoneware, Medium Tile and Medium Enameled Stoneware