Catalonia ecodesign awards 2019


The Generalitat de Catalunya organizes the 3rd edition of the Catalonia Ecodesign Awards 2019 (Premi Catalunya d’Ecodisseny 2019). This award is an acknowledgement for those market products that have been designed, manufactured o executed in Catalonia, and that contribute to the environmental improvement of the products, through the incorporation of environmental criteria into the design, manufacturing, distribution, use, recycling and treatment phases of any product with the aim to preventing or reducing the environmental impact during its all entire life-cycle.

Three categories have been scheduled in this edition:
  • Product: You can present products that are already on the market. 
  • Product development: You can introduce a project of a product, nor produced or commercialized (but in prototype phase).
  • Young design: You can submit the product in development or strategy, with ecodesign criteria, developed by students or novice graduated from Catalonia.

You can find more information in the following links: Requests can be presented from 15 January to 27 February 2019 until 12h.